Pace shifting in infantry combat: balancing speed and slowness to maximize effectiveness
Infantry combat is a discipline that demands great self-control and constant adaptability. One of the essential techniques in this field is change of pace, which can take the form of slow, deliberate fighting. In this article, we'll explore the benefits of this approach, including noise reduction, stress relief, order clarity, effective section maneuver and disrupting the enemy during combat pauses.
Noise reduction
When infantry units move rapidly across the battlefield, they inevitably generate noise. Changing the pace to a slower progression can significantly reduce the noise level. Less noise means greater discretion, which is essential for surprising the enemy and retaining the element of surprise.
Less stress
Stress is a constant companion for soldiers on the battlefield. However, fighting slowly reduces this stress. Soldiers have more time to breathe, assess the situation and make informed decisions. This reduction in stress can also improve firing accuracy and coordination within the unit.
Clear orders
Orders and communications are crucial to any military operation. By adopting a slow pace, commanders are able to give clearer, more detailed orders. This ensures that every member of the unit fully understands his or her mission and the actions to be taken. What's more, slowness enables soldiers to react in a more precise and coordinated way to the orders they receive.
Clear platoon maneuvers
When a section advances slowly, each member of the unit can monitor the positions of his or her comrades more effectively. This promotes better coordination during tactical maneuvers, which is essential for maintaining the unit's integrity and carrying out complex actions, such as encircling the enemy.
Combat breaks: observe, listen and disrupt
Combat pauses are an essential part of the change of pace. When the unit pauses, soldiers have the opportunity to observe and listen carefully to their surroundings. This strategic pause can help detect enemy movements, gather valuable information and even create confusion among opponents.
The balance between speed and slowness in infantry combat
The use of speed in infantry combat is of crucial importance, but must be reserved for specific situations. In general, using speed means that the unit is either under enemy fire, requiring rapid retreat to escape enemy fire, or engaged in a daylight offensive mission, exposed to risk. The decision to use speed in combat must therefore be taken sparingly and discerningly, at the right moment.
The change of pace in infantry combat, characterized by the alternation between slowness and speed, is a strategy that can guarantee both the success of the operation and the preservation of human lives. In a context where the enemy has comparable or inferior technology, this approach can be particularly effective. Ultimately, the key lies in the ability to adapt the infantry's pace to the demands of the battlefield, while maintaining optimum coordination and informed decision-making